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Leisurely stand-up paddle SUP 

Slow living pace, leisurely life, the most chill sea activities recommended

Text: Yach / Japhette Ding

The sea is a blue sky that can be touched, and enjoying the nourishment of the summer sun is one of the most enjoyable things to do.

Taiwan is surrounded by sea and has beautiful outlying island scenery, and there are hundreds of water activities.

SUP is the abbreviation of "Stand Up Paddle", which is translated as "paddle" or "stand up paddle" in Chinese, and as the name suggests, it is the sport of paddling forward in a standing position.

SUP originated in Hawaii and was invented as early as 1920's. Unlike normal surfing, SUP is a new way of surfing by standing on the board and sliding the single paddle in your hand to glide forward, in addition to the standing style of play, newcomers can try it in the early stage by sitting or kneeling in a cross-legged position and gliding forward with a single hand paddle.

The sport originated earlier, but the development is relatively slow, the main reason affecting the development is the weight of the skateboard is too heavy, no breakthrough change for a long time, the volume is large, but also not easy to carry, until the late emergence of different materials, only to let SUP has a chance to come back from the dead, with the change in the material of the skateboard, completely solved the problem of excessive volume and carry, and then opened the road of rebellion, because SUP in water activities is a better water experience, young and old, everyone can try, in foreign countries has become the mainstream of marine activities, in any environment you can see the figure of SUP.

There are more than a dozen areas in Taiwan where you can experience SUP as a water sport, especially because SUP does not require strict weather conditions, not only in summer, but many areas can have SUP activities all year round, and the scenery seen from each location is also different, especially you can enjoy the surrounding scenery from the water, and you can even watch the sunset while paddling.