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Surfing and Sea Fishing

Enjoy the hot summer and let the cold water add summer flavor

Text: Yach / Japhette Ding

 Summer is the best season to adjust your mood, especially the coolness of the sea water injected in the hot wind makes the body and soul feel satisfied. Since we have to coexist with summer every year, why not choose to experience many different sea activities to add many different encounters to summer!

 Surfing is an extreme sport with a low risk factor, powered by the waves, surfers lie prone on the surfboard in the sea and paddle in the direction of the waves; accompanied by a professional coach, friends who do not swim can also come to experience the charm of the waves, the general beginners can feel the excitement of surfing in the shallows and are not easily injured.

 According to Wikipedia, surfing is an ancient Polynesian culture and an important maritime activity, while the development of modern surfing originated in the Hawaiian Islands in the United States. Surfing is divided into different categories according to the use of surfboards, such as longboards, shortboards, gunboards and fishboards.

 Talking about marine activities, we have to mention sea fishing, men and women of all ages can experience the fun of fishing on the sea, even novices can also enjoy themselves!

 Taiwan is surrounded by the sea and has beautiful outlying island scenery, and there are as many as six counties and cities across the country where you can experience the fun of sea fishing. However, early spring and late fall are the best seasons for sea fishing, as the fish come in with the high tide, making them the "golden seasons".

 In recent years, the boating industry has gradually emerged, and the ownership of boats is no longer just a dream for the nationals, so used boats are gradually opening up a path.

 In a generation where the pressure of life is multiplying, it is important to focus not only on the prevention of diseases, but also on the healing of the mind, especially in summer when there are many activities to keep social distance, not easy to gather in groups, and to enjoy the natural landscape and take care of the body and soul.